Types of Power Electronics Circuit

  1. Diode Rectifiers
  2. AC-DC Converters (Controlled Rectifiers)
  3. AC-AC Converters (AC Voltage Controllers)
  4. DC-DC Converters (DC Choppers)
  5. DC-AC Conterters (Inverters)
  6. Static Switches


It converts AC Voltage into a FIXED DC Voltage


AC-DC Converters

  • A single-phase converter with two natural commutated thyristor is shown
  • Average value of the output voltage can be controlled by varying the conduction time of thyristors
  • This converters are also known as controlled rectifiers


AC-AC Converters

  • Used to obtain variable AC output voltage from a fixed AC source
  • a single-phase converter with a TRIAC is shown below


DC-DC Converters

  • Is also known as Chopper or Switching Regulator
  • The average output voltage is controlled by varying the conduction of transistor, .
  • If is the chopping period, then
  • is called as the duty cycle of chopper


DC-AC Converters

  • Is also known as Inverter
  • If transistor and conduct for one-half period and and conduct the other half, the output voltage is of alternating form


Static Switches

  • Power devices can be operated as static switches or contactors, the supply to these switches could be either AC or DC and the switches are called as AC static switches or DC switches

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